Friday, January 16, 2015

21 Day Fix - What is it?

Are you a yo-yo dieter? Are you always trying to buy the latest and greatest in hopes in works and a week or 2 later its just sitting it a pile somewhere ready to collect dust? That's funny me too. Recently I started on the 21 Day Fix and I have been loving it.

The 21 Day Fix Workout Program

21 Day fix workouts
workout programThe 21 Day Fix consists of 2 DVDs that have 3 workouts (6 in total). Each workout is crafted to deliver a “massive calorie burn” in just 30 minutes. Every workout is different and increases in difficulty from the previous workout and comes with a modifier so you scale the intensity level of the workout up or down to meet your personal comfort.
The first 15 days consists of doing 1 workout/day, then on the last week you can do the double : one workout in the morning and another in the evening. The workouts are:
  • Total Body Cardio Fix. Rises your heart rate, boost your metabolism into overdrive for long-lasting weight loss benefits.
  • Upper Fix. Specifically works the back, shoulders, arms, chest and abs for a great swimsuit body.
  • Lower Fix. Works the thighs, calves and butt for the rest of your beach-ready body.
  • Pilates Fix. Uses core strength moves to tone and elongate the torso and tighten up your thighs, butt and hips.
  • Cardio Fix. Insanity cardio workout that kicks the first workout into overdrive.
  • Yoga Fix. Boosts flexibility and relaxes your muscles to keep them in perfect tone.
The 21 Day Fix Eating Plan
containersTo be clear, there really is no “diet” here in the program. The eating program uses a color coded system of containers and a Shakeology Shaker Cup to give you perfect portion control every time with zero mistakes. NO MORE MEASURING and COUNTING! If it fits in the container, you can eat it, and you’ll lose weight.
  1. Green Container (8oz): For vegetables
  2. Purple Container (8oz): For fruits
  3. Red Container (6oz): For proteins
  4. Yellow Container (5.3oz): For carbohydrates
  5. Blue Container (2.7oz): For healthy fats and cheeses
  6. 2 Orange Containers (2oz): seeds and dressings
  7. Shakeology Cup: For mixing drinks

Diet Plan Detail:

  • First, the diet plan will show you how to calculate your caloric intake based on your current weight. Your caloric intake is the amount of calories you have to eat daily during the 21 Day Fix
calorie level
  • The caloric intake will lead you to know the exact number of each container and teaspoons (oils, nut butters or seed butters) a day. The eating plan comes with 4 caloric levels, as you can see in the picture :
daily intake
  • If your target is less than 1200 calories then round it up to 1200, when it’s over 2300, round it down to 2300.
  • What i love about this program is its simplicity: fill up the containers with the food that goes with each one’s color and enjoy! You don’t have to count calories. Just choose the foods from the list that comes with the program. It’s all about portions. Portion control is what makes this workout so special and revolutionary, it teaches you how to make healthy choices without restrictions or obsessions.
  • It is up to you how you spread the containers over the day, just know your daily allowance from the chart above and do it your own way. It is therefore recommended to spread your meals/containers across 3 main meals and 2 or 3 snacks each day, or you can do 6 small meals a day with 2 hours interval.
  • You are allowed to drink almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk, fruit juice and coconut water 3 times a week, however each time you do this you will need to forego a yellow container.
  • The program recommends drinking a lot of water and also allows coffee and tea.
  • Autumn also recommends taking an extra green container when you are hungry because it’s hard to overeat veggies.

The 21 Day Fix Review – Conclusion

The simplicity involved in the 21 day fix is ingenious: with Portion control, healthy eating and simple 30 minute workouts, you really don’t have to look elsewhere, this program will be a life-changer for you and had already been for so many people in the last few months (See below). It’s more of an enjoyable experience than a simple diet/workout.

If you want to try the program out, note that there if you don’t get the results you want, simply send it back within 30 days for a full refund of the purchase price. The 100% Money-Back Guarantee lets you know that the 21 Day Fix is the real deal. Plus, if you click the link below right now, there’s a special promotion going on for the month of January. 

21 DAY FIX - will you take the challenge?

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